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Monday, March 17, 2008

exit, the ghost!


K-La-La said...

Hee! Cutest tip ever. ^_^

LindsayO said...

thus endeth the coffee ghost?? sad... i enjoyed him.

Eric said...

how very exciting!!!


i LOVE it!!!!

Older Comics

August 6

Battling the technology again...oh well, I like this comic well enough. But the next one will be awesome, I swear.

I am leaving for Portland this weekend, but there will be more comics to come.

Thanks for continuing to read, despite the spotty updates.


The Life and Times of BP

My photo
Sherwood, OR
I started out drawing weekly strips for the Collegian, a student newspaper at Willamette University. After graduating, I did what many liberal arts graduates do: I got a job at a coffee shop, and then complained about it a lot. My former comic: Bloodborne Pathogens, were very much a product of combining off-beat humor with a shitty work ethic. Now I have a job at an office. I answer phones and enter data, and sometimes I even wear heels. TO WORK. ugh. So since I like to overbook myself I figured, why NOT bend to the will of my adoring fans, and once again contribute a little more filth to the internets? Why not indeed?


Q. What is a webcomic?
A. The number one method of avoiding work, in this, the age of the internets.

Q. Why is your comic named Bloodborne Pathogens, I am grossed out by that.
A. Good question. I can't remember why I named it that now. But it stuck.

Q. Will I contract AIDS from reading posts on this site?
A. No, but you might go blind from staring at the computer screen for too long.

Q. Is it hard to draw these? And additionally do you want to whine about it?
A. Yes, it is a lot of work. Way more work then I ever planned on putting into something that I called a hobby. Now I consider it a side-project, soon to be upgraded to nagging obligation.

Q. Did anyone really ask any of these questions, or are you making this all up to seem more established in the webcomic world than you really are?
A. The second one.

So, in conclusion, comics will be posted roughly once a week. By roughly I mean probably more, but I don't want to get hopes up too high.